Virtual Worlds

22 Mar

Virtual Worlds are very interesting. I do not believe that these worlds are positive in any sort of way though. Individuals use these to make “friends” or meet new people, which in “real life” you are not really doing. For example, according to the article “I Report: “Naughty Auties” battle autism with virtual interaction”, the creator of the site says, that this can get users out of their shells and get them communicating with others. While that may be a true statement, it will not be beneficial in the real world. Many individuals have issues saying things face to face that they would have no problem saying over the computer. The only positive thing about virtual worlds could be how it brings people together from all parts of the world. Interacting with someone through the computer is not at all the same as interacting in real life. The article about virtual worlds in health care facilities really caught my attention. They portrayed it as being beneficial for situations, but for some reason I still am not in favor of this whole thing at all. I am a firm believer in things needing to be done in person, not with a keyboard or computer screen in front of you. I guess virtual worlds can foster creativity with people not being afraid to be themselves, like they are in person and not holding back their thoughts. From what I have seen virtual worlds look very life like now, I can’t imagine them looking even more real in the future.

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