Social Networking

8 Mar

Social networking is such a powerful tool to use. These sites can be used for conference calls with work, without having to even be on the same side of the country, bring ideas together, stay in touch with people who you do not see, and so many others. There is a dark side to social networking sites though, many people end up getting themselves into deep trouble. There are countless numbers of stores of individuals losing their jobs or relationships because of something they posted on facebook. News also travels very fast, faster than some may want. For example, the la times article, “Obama, Kanye West and trouble with twitter”, the President called Kanye a “jackass” due to the event when he interrupted Taylor Swift, and this went viral on the internet. Even though there are bad aspects, there are also good ones. For example twitter was used to help land a plane that had aid for Haiti victims. Within this New York Times article, it is described how the plane with the aid was blocked from entering and the group sent out a tweet about it. As a result of this tweet, the U.S. airforce was contacted by other twitter users and the plane was able to be landed. I believe that these sites will evolve in the future, but I can’t exactly pin point how. It is difficult to think of what can be different about them when everything about them is so intricate. People depend so much on social networking today, its almost making society anti social; I can’t imagine this becoming even worse.

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